Most of us think about accidents only when deciding whether to pursue coverage. Did you know that less than 20% of our claims come from accidents? Let’s look at the typical lifetime of a dog to see how pet insurance helps pet families keep their furry friends happy and healthy.
Meet Charlie the puppy
Charlie had a habit of getting into the kitchen garbage when he was a puppy. On one occasion, Charlie experienced vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours, so his pet parents took him to the vet.
All fees related to the cost of the examination, radiographs, blood testing, treatment, and taxes are eligible for coverage. This claim was the first in the policy year, and so the annual deductible was applied. No further deductible is applied in subsequent claims during this policy year**
Charlie had 3 additional vet visits during his first year:
- Developed kennel cough from the dog park. Vet costs: $97.52. Petsecure paid 80%: $78.02.
- Got into the kitchen garbage again. Vet costs: $344.38. Petsecure paid 80%: $275.50.
- Stepped in a gopher hole and started limping. Vet costs: $468.69. Petsecure paid 80%: $389.35.
Total claims paid during his first year: $1156.97.
Charlie turns 2
Charlie settled down when he turned two, but experienced seasonal allergies and ear infections throughout his adulthood.
Charlie’s visited the vet roughly two times a year for eight years due to seasonal allergies:
- Seasonal ear infections with an average of two visits per year. Yearly vet costs: $474.02 Petsecure paid 80% after $100 annual deductible: $299.22.
Total claims paid during this period: $897.66
Charlie turns 5
Charlie’s parents loved their happy and silly dog. When he turned five, he was diagnosed with a thyroid condition.
Over the next five years, Charlie visited the vet multiple times per year:
- Yearly costs for visits, blood testing, and thyroid medication based on six-month follow-up checks. Vet costs: $693.55. Petsecure paid 80% after $300 annual deductible: $254.84.
- Ongoing seasonal ear infections. Vet costs: $474.02. Petsecure paid 80% with deductible satisfied for the thyroid condition: $379.22.
- Two teeth cleanings as an adult. The dental costs included anaesthesia, dental cleaning, and full-mouth x-rays. Vet costs: $540.28. Petsecure annual dental benefit on the Secure 3 plan: $400.00.
- Charlie’s owners notice he’s starting to get very nervous during thunderstorms. The vet prescribes anti-anxiety medications. Vet costs: $119.45. Petsecure behaviour benefit: $95.56.
Total claims paid during this time period: $4065.86.
Charlie turns 11
Charlie’s family noticed a firm lump over his shoulder when he turned eleven. His ear infections had resolved, but his thyroid condition remained. He also developed arthritis in his elbows.
- Yearly costs for visits, blood testing, and thyroid medication based on six-month follow-up checks. Vet costs: $693.55. Petsecure paid 80% after $500 annual deductible: $54.84.
- First visit for arthritis screen included x-rays and geriatric chemistry to screen for liver and kidney function. Vet costs: $772.56. Petsecure paid 80%: $618.05.
- Subsequent annual charges for Charlie’s arthritis treatment including screening to ensure his medication was still safe for him. Vet costs: $934.92. Petsecure paid 80%: $747.94.
- The shoulder mass was a kind of tumour curable with surgery only. Pre-operative diagnostic testing, surgery, hospitalization, and pathologist report were performed. Vet costs: $3129.95. Petsecure paid 80%: $2503.96.
Total claims paid during this time period: $4782.41.
Charlie’s lifetime
At 13, Charlie’s family still had peace of mind that their beloved pet’s health would be covered with Petsecure. After Charlie’s first year, he experienced common medical conditions and his family only submitted claims a few times a year. The total claims paid over Charlie’s lifetime to date amount to $10,902.90.
*Charlie’s story is based on a composite Petsecure pet covered under a Secure 3 Deductible A Plan experiencing common medical conditions for a retriever crossbreed. Claim payments were calculated using Canadian veterinary fees in Canadian dollars.
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